
Showing posts from August, 2017

Why India is the ‘Pharmacy’ of the Developing World

Developing countries across the world face several challenges, key among which is providing their people with affordable medicines of high-quality. A ‘public first’ approach to policy, strict medicine patent law and doctors wh have used reverse-engineering to introduce generic drugs, are some of the reasons that India has emerged as the ‘pharmacy’ of the developing world. 1.      Millions of people around the world rely on affordable medicines made in India to stay alive Before 2005, India did not grant product patents on medicines. This allowed for the production of low-cost, generic versions of medicines that were patented in other countries. Indian manufacturers, with their reverse engineering skills, were the first to market low-cost versions of the life-saving cancer and HIV drugs within a few years of their US launch. Robust competition among generic producers in India has resulted in a price reduction of more than 99 percent for medicines acr...

How Eating Daliya Help in Weight Loss

Are you looking to shed some weight in easy ways? Are vigorous exercises straining you physically? It is time for you to consider Dalia in your food regime. Bulgar refers to broken wheat or dalia. It has gained popularity in the Middle East, India and West as one of the best weight-loss foods. Cracked wheat, broken wheat, Dalia and Lapsi are other names for bulgar. Dalia is a replacement for Rice If you are consuming rice regularly and unable to find an appropriate substitute then it is the right time for you to consider dalia for weight loss. It is a perfect replacement for rice which can make you feel full without letting you add any extra pounds. Broken wheat is a cereal grain that has been used as a staple food for several years. Dalia is an inexpensive source of complex carbs. It provides benefits of a low-calorie meal plan and thus helps in weight loss. Notably, cracked wheat is not polished and hence it does not lose out on any of the nutrients that are generally f...

Crazy Ways Technology is Changing How We Interact With Doctors!

With the advent of technology, there is no mountain which can stop you from accessing immediate medical attention. We have apps, websites, etc., that allow you to book a doctor’s appointment online. In this article we talk about how online doctor consultations are changing the game. 1.      No Boundaries Literally. Wherever you are, whether it is a Surgeon in Mumbai who you want to consult, or a dietitian from Pune whose advice you want to take – you can do it right from the cozy comfort of your couch. You might as well be staying in the remotest of locations – if you are able to read this post living there, you definitely can get medical attention. 2.      Economical In the time when medical attention seems to get perennially expensive, anything that can cut costs is a boon. Coming to that, online consultations and apps are far ahead in the race. An average doctor visit might cost you Rs. 500 to Rs. 800. An online consultation c...

10 Health Benefits of Consuming Tender Coconut Water

Summer is here and so starts the heat. We always reach out to cool drinks or cold water to cool down. The notion that cold drinks will cool down our body makes us take the wrong decision. So how can one day rehydrated and energetic during long afternoon hours? Tender Coconut, nature’s cool drink not only quenches the summer thirst but also comes with great benefits for the body. It cools down your body from inside and reduces a lot of discomforts of a hot summer day. 10 amazing benefits of drinking tender coconut water are: 1.      Hydrates Naturally: Tender coconut is a natural rehydrating drink that has no added chemicals or harmful ingredients. It is the best drink to choose any day. It is very effective in keeping you hydrated, especially during summers. 2.      Resolves Stomach Issues: The best way to give your upset stomach some incentive to heal itself would be by replacing your meal with tender coconut. Whether it is due to ...

Why doctors need humanities: Include this to make Doctor’s more human

Medicine is defined as the art and science of healing. Today globally, science has largely overridden the art part of healing. In India, entrance to medical schools is based entirely on tests based on scientific facts and concepts with a little of logical/ critical thinking – areas handled by the left side of the brain. Our medical curriculum requires hours of drudgery in trying to remember facts and figures. Almost no medical school in India lays any emphasis on art in medical curriculum. The right side of the brain is concerned with fine arts including imagery poetry and drawing. As someone said “medical school attracts those who are of left brain, but then proceeds to atrophy what is left of their right brain”. Unlike physics or chemistry, medicine is not a pure science. Medicine is largely an applied science and it requires certain skills that are developed by observation, practice and experience – similar to the arts more than science. It can be said that medicine is...